Why is Tea the Best Choice for CNY Gifting?
人生谁人不送礼,很多人首选都是茶礼。所谓“柴米油盐酱醋茶”,可见茶在生活中的重要地位。新年团聚、走亲访友,送茶当然是最好的择。送好茶,更是送健康!Everyone loves to give gifts during the Chinese New Year, and tea is often the top choice. As the saying goes, “Firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, and tea”, tea is essential to daily life. Whether it’s for festive gatherings or visiting friends and family, tea makes the perfect gift. Giving great tea is like giving the gift of health!
“小霸王”诞生于一个大胆的梦想——打造属于马来西亚的经典普洱茶品牌。由古意斋创始人伍书龙先生(老伍)倾注多年心血创制而成,以其高山生态原料和匠心工艺,成为集本地特色与传统品质于一身的匠心之作。19年来,“小霸王”凭借清甜柔和的茶汤、层次丰富的口感,成为普洱茶市场上的经典之选。 -
Liu Bao Tea: History, Processing Methods and Comparison with Pu-erh Tea
If you're a tea enthusiast, you've probably heard of Pu'er tea, but have you discovered its close cousin, Liu Bao tea? Both from the dark tea (黑茶) family, these teas share similarities yet offer distinct experiences. In this guide, we explore what Liu Bao tea is, how it’s made, and how it compares to Puer tea. -
Liu Bao Tea in Southeast Asia
Known for its earthy, rich flavor and health benefits, Liu Bao tea was not only a comforting beverage but also a lifeline for Chinese miners working under harsh conditions. This article explores the deep connection between Liu Bao tea, Ipoh, and Southeast Asia, while emphasizing its cultural significance, health benefits, and the tea's lasting legacy in the region -
Teh Panas vs Teh Sejuk: Apalah Cold Brew Ni? Cara Membuat & Manfaatnya! Terokai perbezaan antara teh cold brew dan teh panas, dari segi rasa hingga kandungan kafein. Sama ada anda menggunakan teh hijau atau jenis lain, ketahui bagaimana suhu mempengaruhi rasa serta manfaat kesihatan teh. Dapatkan juga tips untuk membuat teh cold brew yang sempurna dan lebih menyegarkan! -
Mid Autumn Celebration at Ipoh Old Town
Our Mid-Autumn event 【夜游旧街场,老街过中秋】had concluded successfully in Ipoh Old Town, drawing nearly a hundred participants, including local residents, Ma... -
吃月饼配茶 | 享受节日美食无负担
茶与月饼完美搭配 The Perfect Pairing: Tea & Mooncakes 中秋快到了,和家人朋友團聚時,怎能少了美味的月饼?但要在享受甜蜜的同时保持健康,一杯好茶可是必不可少的!那么,吃月饼配什么茶,才能让这份团圆滋味更健康呢?一起來了解吧! Mid-Autumn ... -
Mid-Autumn Festival Gift Guide 2024
The ultimate Mid-Autumn gift guide that is beyond ordinary mooncakes! We’re thrilled to present our curated collection of gift sets, each designed ... -
Liu Bao Tea : Memories of Nanyang
Liubao tea, emblematic of comfort and heritage for the Nanyang Chinese, faded into history with the decline of the tin mining industry. This once-f... -
Understanding "Jin Hua" Liu Bao Tea
The "Golden flowers" are a type of probiotic that appears through a special fermentation process, traditionally seen only in Fu brick tea. -
Have you ever wondered if you are drinking authentic ancient tree tea?
Have you ever wondered why some ancient tree teas are so costly? Let's explore the value behind ancient tree tea together. -
Gu Yun Hao Aspirations
Our team is committed to sincere selection and production of tea, focusing on curating authentic experiences of ancient tree tea unique to the terroir. The diversity, rarity and limited yield of ancient tree tea, starkly contrast with the standardised, mass-production of traditional commercial practice.
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