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人生谁人不送礼,很多人首选都是茶礼。所谓“柴米油盐酱醋茶”,可见茶在生活中的重要地位。新年团聚、走亲访友,送茶当然是最好的择。送好茶,更是送健康!Everyone loves to give gifts during the Chinese New Year, and tea is often the top choice. As the saying goes, “Firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, and tea”, tea is essential to daily life. Whether it’s for festive gatherings or visiting friends and family, tea makes the perfect gift. Giving great tea is like giving the gift of health!
If you're a tea enthusiast, you've probably heard of Pu'er tea, but have you discovered its close cousin, Liu Bao tea? Both from the dark tea (黑茶) family, these teas share similarities yet offer distinct experiences. In this guide, we explore what Liu Bao tea is, how it’s made, and how it compares to Puer tea.